BLP Program

BLP Program

Building Learning Power (BLP) is a fresh, strategic approach to our teaching and learning. We love it, we believe in it, and it will have a positive impact on your child.

Shoalhaven Schools
Building Learning Power: A Guide for Parents and Carers is available to download in PDF format below.

Building Learning Power grew out of the research and practice by the leading educationalist Professor Guy Claxton and has been put into practice in numerous schools around the world, as well as several in Australia. UK schools that have adopted BLP program have increased both student test results and the schools’ inspection rankings.

NAC Building Learning Power

What is BLP?

When most of us went to school, teachers focused on two areas: Syllabus and Assessment. In other words, what the students learned and how well they tested. Those things are still important but Building Learning Power focuses on a third skill: The how of learning.

How does BLP benefit students?

Building Learning Power will help your child grow as a capable, confident enquirer. Your child will become more resilient, and more able to deal with setbacks and failure. They’ll also become more adaptive, curious and thoughtful. You’ll witness them being able to work together with others more effectively – we’re not promising fewer sibling battles but they will definitely have more problem-solving skills!

You can also expect your child to improve in their ability to plan, focus, and self-motivate to complete a task; their negotiation skills will increase, along with their compassion and respect for others. But here’s something else – because of Building Learning Power we expect your child will become happier

How does it work?

Building Learning Power teaches students to exercise five learning dispositions – Resilience, Resourcefulness, Reflectiveness, Reciprocity and Restoration (or the five ‘R’s). Just as physical muscle takes time and training to develop so too does learning muscle.

Our whole school culture has embraced the Building Learning Power principles and language, from our early learning years right through to our Collegian classes. This is a journey we’re on for the long haul.

Please download Building Learning Power: A Guide for Parents and Carers.