The College seeks to promote an authentic expression of Christianity in faith and which is evident in all aspects of College life. From the academic to creative, from sport to service learning, these are all opportunities to witness the Christian life in all its fullness.
Christian Studies classes occur from Kindergarten to Year 10. These times are an opportunity to understand who Jesus is and his relevance for life today. Students explore the key themes of the Bible looking at Old Testament and New Testament stories. Students spend time discovering biblical approaches to social and ethical issues and how we can be both a respectful and generous community as we think through various issues. As in all our College subjects, contemporary learning and teaching strategies are utilised, encouraging students to explore and create as they learn.
Students in their HSC have the opportunity to complete the Studies of Religion Course. This comparative religions course seeks to contrast world religions and assist students to engage thoughtfully and respectfully in their dialogue as they grow in their knowledge of historic and present world religions.
Chapel services, held weekly in Junior School and Senior School are one of the highlights of our students' week. Students and teachers have fun, sing, get to know each other better all while we engage with the Bible Stories and the difference they make today. Parents are always welcome to join our junior school chapels.
Chapel Services are also held for:
Family Chapel 2022
This new and exciting adventure will take place once a term where our community will come together to enjoy a Chapel service together.
Students are given the opportunity in year 10-12 to run lunchtime programs in partnership with CRU.
These times aim to provide an opportunity for our students to develop their leadership gifts as they run focused lunchtime groups. These lunchtime groups are Club 34 and Club 56 for primary and Dig In is for students in Years 7-12. These students also meet with the Chaplain on a regular basis thinking through Christian leadership and how to make a difference in their whole community.
A relationship with local churches is an important aspect to the School Vision and Mission. The College seeks to partner with local churches.
Our Chaplain would be happy to meet and have a chat if you have any questions.