Co-curricular Activities

Co-curricular Activities

The College encourages all students to get involved in a wide range of co-curricular activities to encourage connectedness. Up-to-date information is provided via student announcements and posters throughout the school.

Shoalhaven Schools
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is an internationally recognised program for young people, building their skills to equip them for life and work.
Students are encouraged to be actively involved in at least one extracurricular activity. Currently, these clubs are offered, but availability may change depending on student uptake and staff requirements.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Program

Students have the opportunity to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities including bushwalking, cross-country skiing and canoeing. Places visited to date include the Budawangs, the Snowy Mountains and Cradle Mountain, Tasmania. The Award Program also has a service component, a physical recreation component and a skill component (i.e. photography, art, etc).

A Duke of Edinburgh's International Award is a much sought-after qualification to have listed in one’s curriculum vitae. Students participating find the Award Program challenging and very rewarding.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is offered at NAC at the following levels:

  • Bronze (Year 9)
  • Silver (Year 10)
  • Gold (Years 11 & 12)

Activities (A-Z)

Art Club – Students work on improving their skills in different media and are encouraged to enter different Visual Arts competitions.

Chess Club – The Chess Club meets one lunch time each week. Competition is suitable for all players.

Computer Gaming Club – A lunchtime group for students who enjoy playing computer games together.

Crossroads Christian Fellowship – A student-led (guided by the Chaplain) Christian fellowship group for prayer, Bible study, singing, games and lively discussion.

Environmental Club – Students raise awareness about environmental issues through the College community, environmentally-themed fundraisers, and participation in the local community events and competitions.

Interact – Supported by the Nowra Rotary Club, Interact brings together students who care about serving others, developing leadership skills while discovering the power of ‘Service Above Self’.

Mathematics Club – In Mathematics Club students explore a variety of interesting mathematical concepts, and plan for and celebrate significant maths days throughout the year.

Makerspace – Students follow personal interests to tinker and make projects, with access to a range of technologies including laser cutting, 3D printing and the like.

Science Club – The Science Club provides extracurricular opportunities for students to learn more about science with hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) experiences.

Writers Club – An opportunity for students to explore their enjoyment of writing.