This year impacted more on our Year 12 students than those in 2020, so I am incredibly proud of the results that our students achieved in the HSC. I am proud of all the students for achieving their best with many students achieving in the highest bands.

Highest ATAR in the District

Emma Moore achieved the highest ATAR in the district with 98.95 and was named on the All-rounder achievement roll. Students are placed on this list if they have achieved a result in the highest band (Band 6 or E4) in ten or more of their units. Emma achieved Band 6/ E4 results in English Advanced, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Mathematics Advanced and Mathematics Extension 1. This follows the success of Flynn Johnson and Benjamin Weir from 2020. Congratulations to Emma. We are incredibly proud of your achievement.

ATARs above 90

Congratulations go to the following ten students who achieved an ATAR score above 90. 

TOP ROW (Left to Right): Emma Moore Distinguished Achiever English Advanced, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Mathematics Advanced and Mathematics Extension 1; Clare Thomas Distinguished Achiever English Advanced, English Ext 1, English Ext 2, Mathematics Advanced; Kate Sloane Distinguished Achiever Mathematics Advanced, Maths Extension 1, Engineering Studies; John Spyrakis Distinguished Achiever Mathematics Extension 1, Software Design and Development, Electrotechnology; Brianna Mead Distinguished Achiever Biology, PDHPE;

BOTTOM ROW (Left to Right): Sarah Whitehouse Distinguished Achiever English Advanced, Modern History, English Ext 1; Astrid Shepherd Distinguished Achiever Mathematics Advanced; Jack Sweet Distinguished Achiever in Extension 2 Mathematics in 2020; Troy Sweet Distinguished Achiever in Extension 2 Mathematics in 2020; Groove Brindley Distinguished Achiever English Advanced, Legal Studies, Modern History.

Each of these students also achieved results in individual subjects placing them on the Distinguished Achiever Honour Roll. In order to be placed on this roll, students achieve 90 or above in specific subjects. This year we received over 27 Band 6/E4 nominations in a wide variety of subjects. These Band 6 results were achieved in:

English Advanced, English Extension 1, English Extension 2 Mathematics Advanced, Mathematics Extension 1, Mathematics Extension 2 Biology Chemistry Construction Electrotechnology Engineering Studies French Continuers Geography History Extension Legal Studies Modern History Personal Development Health and Physical Education Software Design and Development

Additional Distinguished Achievers

Congratulations to the following additional students for their placement on the Distinguished Achiever Honour Roll: Meg Brown Distinguished Achiever English Extension 2; Alexander Fletcher Accelerated Student Distinguished Achiever Mathematics Advanced; Toby Huard Distinguished Achiever Construction; Phoebe Williams Accelerated Student French Continuers. 

Major Works

An additional mention and congratulations to Sarah Whitehouse who was awarded first place in the 2021 History Teachers Association of NSW Extension Essay Prize. This is an incredible achievement that reflects Sarah's hard work and dedication to her learning.

There were a number of changes in the practical subjects such as Music and Drama in 2021. The following students received nominations for their exemplary work in their practical projects.

Joshua Sanders Onstage nomination for Drama; Mackenzie Lawrence Encore Nomination for Music 2 and Extension Music; Toby Huard Encore Nomination for Music 1 Shape Nomination for Design and Technology; Penelope Holloway ArtExpress nomination for Visual Arts.

Not only were the results achieved by the students at the highest level exemplary, I am very pleased with the excellent results of all students. Our number of students achieving in the Band 5 level has also risen. Our holistic approach at NAC with our Building Learning Power teaching and learning framework and our focus on wellbeing in a supportive environment has helped influence our students be more resilient in the face of adversity. 

These results have been influenced by every teacher at Nowra Anglican College, from the Junior school all the way to Year 12 and I have seen their exemplary dedication in ensuring that every student is well prepared and achieves their best. A special thank you to every staff member. 

Once again, I am incredibly proud of the achievements of our Nowra Anglican College students and we look forward to hearing of their exploits as they enter university studies or into the workforce. 

Mrs Lorrae Sampson

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