

27 NOV
The Hive - Year 5 Outdoor Learning Program

The Hive - Year 5 Outdoor Learning Program

The early teenage years require a specialised approach to education. At Nowra Anglican College we have developed a distinct outlook in what is called the middle years (Years 5 to 8) focussing on developing resilient, confident and active learners.

22 NOV
FUSE - Fostering Unique Sparks of Engagement

FUSE - Fostering Unique Sparks of Engagement

FUSE is a new and developing programme that has commenced in the Junior School. Initially working with selected students in Stage 3, FUSE in one of our initiatives under our Enrichment umbrella.

07 NOV
Why Musicals Matter

Why Musicals Matter

Putting on a musical is so much more than an entertaining show for us at NAC; it's an enriching educational experience that nurtures essential life skills.

05 AUG
 Perseverance Pays Off: Lessons from a Hockey World Cup Champion

Perseverance Pays Off: Lessons from a Hockey World Cup Champion

Ever wondered what it takes to represent your country on the world stage? Our School Captain, Harrison, sat down with Hockey World Cup veteran, alumni and current staff, Mr Mackay, to uncover the secrets behind international sporting success.

05 JUN
Protecting Our Children: Raising the Social Media Age Limit

Protecting Our Children: Raising the Social Media Age Limit

There is a growing movement to raise the minimum age from 13 to 16 years of age, with many experts citing concerns about the detrimental impact of social media on children and young people.

22 MAR
Open Day 2024

Open Day 2024

As it is every year, it was a special occasion as we welcomed eager minds and curious souls to our much-anticipated Open Day.

07 FEB
Welcome Mr Willett

Welcome Mr Willett

Join us in welcoming our Assistant Head of Junior School, Mr Jonathan Willett who brings to us a passion for education, family, and community spirit.

24 OCT
Harmonising Minds: The Impact of Music Education in Stage 2

Harmonising Minds: The Impact of Music Education in Stage 2

We are incredibly fortunate at Nowra Anglican College to have a comprehensive Performing Arts program that runs from Kindergarten all the way through to Year 12 and offers multiple learning opportunities grow in the disciplines of Dance, Drama and Music

09 OCT
Strengthening Literacy

Strengthening Literacy

Inspiring joy in learning and laying the groundwork for our students to become lifelong learners is at the centre of what we do at Nowra Anglican College. One of the key focus areas of our strategic plan is to build powerful learners through the pursuit of innovation and excellence, with a particular focus on strengthening our literacy programs

24 MAR
Welcome Mrs Watt

Welcome Mrs Watt

We are delighted to introduce our new Head of Junior school, Mrs Rachel Watt, who comes to us with an impressive background in education and leadership.

13 MAR
Celebrating Women of the Shoalhaven Awards 2023

Celebrating Women of the Shoalhaven Awards 2023

We are very pleased to announce that Mrs Bernice Mathie-Morris won the Education category for her exceptional contribution to children in the early years.

27 FEB
Introducing 'Flossy'

Introducing 'Flossy'

We would like to introduce 'Flossy' the Wellbeing dog. From a wellbeing and learning perspective, dogs bring a great deal of benefit to school communities.

21 FEB
Education for Life

Education for Life

It is with mixed emotions that I write my farewell to the Nowra Anglican College community. In my 12 years of service at the College, I have learnt so much and have personally grown in my faith, in my professional life as an educator and a leader, and in who I am as a person.

18 JUL
Preparing for

Preparing for "Big School"

Starting "big school" is a major transition in a person's life. So, how can you prepare your child for their first day at Kindergarten?

08 JUL
Preparing for Senior School

Preparing for Senior School

Moving to Senior School is one of the most significant times in the growth of our young people.

10 MAY
An Update for Library lovers

An Update for Library lovers

I am thrilled to be the caretaker of this collaborative learning space where students can also visit our Digital Library 24/7.

22 JAN
Kindergarten Visits Bundanon

Kindergarten Visits Bundanon

Recently, each kindergarten class had the opportunity to visit Bundanon and engage in art workshops. Our learning experiences were informed by the Wilder Times museum season and connected to the ideas, themes, and material practices of the artists and artworks in this exhibition.

22 JAN
Getting Ready for

Getting Ready for "Big School"

Starting Kindergarten is one of the major transitions an individual will make throughout their lives. The new school envi…

16 JUL
Coronavirus: Education in Unusual Times

Coronavirus: Education in Unusual Times

The quality of an education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers (Mckinsey 2007), and what a team of educator…

30 AUG
​Dealing with Stuckness and Getting Unstuck

​Dealing with Stuckness and Getting Unstuck

Being stuck is a natural part of learning, we all get stuck. Being able to get ourselves unstuck is as much about how…

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