

07 NOV
Why Musicals Matter

Why Musicals Matter

Putting on a musical is so much more than an entertaining show for us at NAC; it's an enriching educational experience that nurtures essential life skills.

12 AUG
Be Like Batman - Year 12 2024

Be Like Batman - Year 12 2024

The HSC is rigorous. What do I mean by that? The HSC is meant to extend your knowledge and teach you to think creatively. Sometimes it is downright hard work. So how can you do your best?

05 AUG
Symphony of The Light

Symphony of The Light

Symphony of The Light is a whole school community “Vivid” style celebration of our learning.

16 JUL
Lines of Opportunity

Lines of Opportunity

Nowra Anglican College is pleased to have released our 2025 lines across Stage 5 and 6 and welcome the opportunities provided for students to select a wide range of subjects.

05 JUN
Protecting Our Children: Raising the Social Media Age Limit

Protecting Our Children: Raising the Social Media Age Limit

There is a growing movement to raise the minimum age from 13 to 16 years of age, with many experts citing concerns about the detrimental impact of social media on children and young people.

22 MAR
Open Day 2024

Open Day 2024

As it is every year, it was a special occasion as we welcomed eager minds and curious souls to our much-anticipated Open Day.

06 FEB
Australians of the Year 2024

Australians of the Year 2024

"No matter what life throws at you, seek out opportunities to contribute, to participate and to action change.”

03 AUG
Seeds of Change

Seeds of Change

Sometimes progress is made on the most confounding of challenges with the simplest of steps. We planted some seeds and let them grow.

26 JUL
Connecting Outdoors: Students Embrace New Playground!

Connecting Outdoors: Students Embrace New Playground!

Each day we want our students to love coming to school and the playground is an important space for learning. Through play, our young people can discover their own interests, abilities and limitations; they imagine, investigate and explore.

25 JUL
Our School Prayer

Our School Prayer

The Nowra Anglican College prayer is a gift given by Christian leaders within our school and community, to the students.

24 MAR
Welcome Mrs Watt

Welcome Mrs Watt

We are delighted to introduce our new Head of Junior school, Mrs Rachel Watt, who comes to us with an impressive background in education and leadership.

27 FEB
Introducing 'Flossy'

Introducing 'Flossy'

We would like to introduce 'Flossy' the Wellbeing dog. From a wellbeing and learning perspective, dogs bring a great deal of benefit to school communities.

21 FEB
Education for Life

Education for Life

It is with mixed emotions that I write my farewell to the Nowra Anglican College community. In my 12 years of service at the College, I have learnt so much and have personally grown in my faith, in my professional life as an educator and a leader, and in who I am as a person.

04 MAY
Does my child have a technology addiction?

Does my child have a technology addiction?

There are lots of advantages with phones, but when considering their prevalence - what is really happening for our children?

18 JUL
Preparing for

Preparing for "Big School"

Starting "big school" is a major transition in a person's life. So, how can you prepare your child for their first day at Kindergarten?

08 JUL
Preparing for Senior School

Preparing for Senior School

Moving to Senior School is one of the most significant times in the growth of our young people.

17 AUG
Coronavirus: Update 7

Coronavirus: Update 7

The Department of Education have released new guidelines for school operations under COVID-19. Many of our current practi…

16 JUL
Coronavirus: Education in Unusual Times

Coronavirus: Education in Unusual Times

The quality of an education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers (Mckinsey 2007), and what a team of educator…

04 MAY
Coronavirus: Return to School – Social Distancing and Hygiene

Coronavirus: Return to School – Social Distancing and Hygiene

To continue with the safe practices of social distancing and additional hygiene measures that we have been employing at N…

28 APR
Coronavirus: Return to School – Phase 0 and 1

Coronavirus: Return to School – Phase 0 and 1

This post explains our plans for a face-to-face school return in Term 2, in line with the recommendations from the P…

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