Christian Community, Collegians, Senior School, Student Wellbeing
Dear Collegians,
Congratulations on getting this far – only one term to go. All staff at NAC want you to do the best that you possibly can in your HSC. Last year’s HSC results were exceptional. We have faith in your ability that you can achieve just as well.
Some words of advice that I would like to share with you.
The HSC is rigorous. What do I mean by that? The HSC is meant to extend your knowledge and teach you to think creatively. Sometimes it is downright hard work. So how can you do your best?
Why Batman I hear you think? Batman was not superhuman like Superman or Supergirl who had superhuman powers. Batman took advantage of every little trick and gadget that he could.
What tricks or gadgets can you take advantage of to do the best that you possibly can?
I have been watching the Olympics recently. The thing that is impressing me is the way the whole team in each sport encourages every single team member. It is the same with the HSC. You need to support and encourage each other to keep going, remind each other when things are due and help each other with study notes and reading each other’s drafts. Come to the Symphony of Light to support your colleagues with their major works. Go to the Year 12 Retreat – together.
Take care of the basics like coming to school – Even right to the end of Term 3.
You have fantastic teachers who know how to prepare you well to get great results. You need to be here to learn from them. Interacting with your Year group at the start of the day is important. Go to Homeroom.
Just do it. You need some balance during this heavy time of study. Exercise is good for you to help get the blood flowing to your brain
Be smart with how you do it. Revise regularly.
We forget 70% of what we learn within 48 hours UNLESS you do something with that info within that 48 hours.
Make study notes.
The Library is open until 4:30 each afternoon. Do some quiet study in there.
You can’t do it!
Put away the phone when you are studying. Every time the phone pings, bips or rings, it breaks your attention and you have to spend time to refocus.
If you are absorbed in something and you are interrupted by the phone it will take you 20 mins to get back into the flow.
Aim to keep your casual work shifts to below 10 hours per week to allow you to maintain a good balance in your life. When you have finished your HSC, you can work to your hearts content.
I often say when you are studying, study, when you are relaxing, relax. You need time to recharge your batteries and sharpen your mind. Make sure you take short breaks each week.
Know how to play the game.
English Counts to your ATAR. You must put the effort into your English as it is the only subject that has to count to your ATAR.
Practice your exams under time constraints.
Again, I will say your teachers are extremely dedicated professionals who are prepared to go above and beyond to help you achieve. They will not baulk at marking drafts of your paragraphs, extended responses and essays so that they become better and better.
Whilst the HSC is hard it is not meant to break you. If it all starts to become overwhelming seek help. It is ok to tell someone that you are not ok.
You are all very capable, intelligent and creative human beings. That is how God has designed you. You are all capable of learning.
We care for you, we want everyone to do their best, we want you to flourish and be ready for the next stage of life.
From Mrs Sampson