I am often stopped in the street by parents who thank me for the way that our school operated during the period of remote learning.

The quality of an education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers (Mckinsey 2007), and what a team of educators we have at Nowra Anglican College. I cannot be prouder of our team and the standards of excellence staff at NAC maintain every day. 

Thank you to each of you who have taken the time to tell me about the way that staff have interacted with your children, providing meaningful on-line lessons and helping their children to achieve. I lead a team of terrific educators and operational staff and their commitment and professionalism has been incredible during this tense and relentlessly busy time. Our teachers ensured our students remained connected through Homeroom meetings, assemblies and classes. In addition, the Administration staff looked after you by providing resources, computers, ‘how to’ communications and a listening ear.

With students returning to campus, all of us have a new-found appreciation for the importance of connection and relationship. I know many teachers have expressed to me their thankfulness for the life that students breathe into our school and a deep gratitude for the opportunity to educate each child. It is wonderful to hear the laughter and voices of our children in the hallways, rooms and grounds. It highlights to me our mission that every child is valued and belongs in our NAC community. The time of education in this pandemic has caused us to appreciate even further our young peoples’ unique personalities and strengths in learning.

We are aware that COVID-19 is still lurking in the wider community and we will continue many of the hygiene protocols that we have implemented such as greeting each student every day and placing hand sanitiser on their hands. We have also worked to improve our pick up and drop off procedures in the turning circle and this will continue.

Term 3 will see many of our co-curricular offerings return, with the commencement of inter-school activities, the Duke of Edinburgh program, sports training and games, Athletics carnivals, Mock Trial and field trips. However, there are some activities that are still on hold. We are still awaiting confirmation from the NSW Department of Education about things such as camps and larger gatherings and excursions.

We are still looking to the time when we can welcome parents and family members back onto site as we miss the life that you inject into our campus. We are also aware that we may have to return to a more restrictive operation or introduce new measures to keep all members of our community safe.

School will continue to be affected by the virus and it will be different, maybe for some considerable time. However, the spirit of school life has rebounded and I have never been more appreciative of working in such a positive and joyful place.

Mrs Lorrae Sampson
Mrs Lorrae Sampson

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