Attention Parents and Carers: An important announcement regarding our response to COVID-19. Please read and complete the following tasks as soon as possible.

Dear Parents and Carers,

As you may be aware the World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared COVID-19 a pandemic. We have previously communicated that we are monitoring the situation and are preparing for a temporary school closure (either partial or complete), should this be recommended by the appropriate authorities.

Family Contact Details

In order to be able to stay in touch with families, we need to ensure that all family details are up-to-date. Could you please log in to the Parent Portal and check all of your details are correct. We are aware that some of our parents may experience difficulties receiving email from the College, particularly if your provider is Hotmail or Gmail. Could you please check your spam, and if you have not been receiving emails, please contact your provider and ask them to ‘white list’ and

Family Internet Capability

In the instance that the school has to close, we want to ensure that every student has the opportunity to participate in their learning if they are quarantined or self-isolated. The easiest way to deliver remote learning to our school community would be through the use of the internet. This, however, assumes a majority of the students in the school have sufficient internet capabilities available at home. We are trying to assess whether this is the case for our school community and are seeking your help in this regard.

We are requesting that you notify us of your internet capability by completing the following survey. 
Your survey responses will assist us to prepare an alternative learning delivery method if required.

Start Survey

Vulnerable Family Members

We are also aware that some families may be more impacted by this situation than others. If you have concerns that your child or family would be particularly impacted by this situation, please let us know any information that can help us by filling out the appropriate question in the Home Capability Survey.

Some of our families also have people living in their home, or closely connected with them, who are more vulnerable to disease. If this is your family situation, can you please let Gina Black know by email to [email protected] in case we need to make special arrangements for you.

We ask that you complete the survey, or pass on this information, as soon as possible. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the office on 02 4421 7711.

Mrs Lorrae Sampson
Mrs Lorrae Sampson

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