The word “unprecedented” has been used a lot in 2020. The bushfires, floods and now the Coronavirus, Covid-19, have really impacted on our local Shoalhaven community. How quickly things have been changing this week.

The anticipation of what is the next “update”, is creating uncertainty and the fear of the unknown, our concerns for the health of the elderly we love, our businesses and finances, managing changes to our work situations is adding a level of stress. On top of this, we need to keep our eyes on the supermarket shelves for fear of missing out on some of life’s most basic necessities. Last Friday Mr Hale reminded staff of a simple Kindergarten prayer which goes like this: "Dear God, Please help me to remember how to breathe. Amen"

As we move forward into this week, I will take a deep breath and our Critical Incident Management team will be guided by the following priorities:

  1. To provide clear two-way communication pathways within our school community 
    As a school, we will endeavour to provide information with clarity, in a timely and helpful manner particularly regarding the Covid-19 virus. We know that the situation is uncertain and evolving, and I wish to reassure you that the school is well prepared for what could eventuate.
    It is helpful for us to hear your concerns, so that we can talk through individual situations and solve challenges together. Equally, thank you for the supportive feedback regarding the communications provided. Should you need to contact me, please phone or email my Assistant, Mrs Vanessa Lloyd on
  2. To provide accurate, timely information to you
    I am sure that you can appreciate that we are being bombarded with alerts, articles, policies and the like. Decisions will be made once we receive both clarity and assurance with all of this. There is certainly the possibility of a campus closure (full or partial), and the ongoing refinement of protocols based on public gatherings. Please be assured that we will communicate information to you when we know that it is correct and applies to our school context. The event of the NSW Department of Health placing an order on a school closing can literally happen “overnight”. If this is the case, please continue to check the NAC App, SMS text messages, emails and our website for information. Please ensure that we have correct contact details for you, via the Parent Portal.
  3. To ensure that we have solid systems in place, should we be required or directed to commence remote campus learning
    Our Senior and Junior School team, led by Mr Hamaty and Mr Thompson, the Administration, IT and Community Relations staff are working tirelessly to have things ready. We are committed to ensuring our students will continue to have access to great learning opportunities under all circumstances. Please refer to the Remote Learning Plans in the PDF for Junior School and Senior School.
  4. To ensure for student, staff and parent wellbeing
    Over the last week staff have spoken directly to students about the Coronavirus. Many students will be experiencing compounded stress related to the bushfires, floods and now the uncertainty of the Covid-19 virus. As a school we are well resourced to support your child. Do not hesitate to let us know of any concern that you might have regarding how your child might be responding to this situation, particularly if you are aware of anxiety, regression in behaviours or simply if they are asking questions that you are not sure how to best answer.

We will continue to take a measured, informed and well-considered approach in managing our response to the situation and will communicate any new or updated information as it becomes available.

Download PDF: 17-Mar-2020

Please take care of yourself and those you love. My prayers are with you.

Kind Regards

Mrs Lorrae Sampson
Mrs Lorrae Sampson

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