We have made the decision to send an update home to parents and carers each day in regard to the schools’ response to COVID-19.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced this morning that at this stage the Federal Government are committed to keeping Australian Schools open. Nowra Anglican College will remain open until we are instructed to close. He also announced that inside gatherings should be limited to less than 100. We have adjusted our timetable where relevant to ensure that we comply with this.

Regular sport will continue for Kindergarten to Year 12, however some activities may be adjusted as advice changes. We have also cancelled or postponed all excursions. We have also made the decision to postpone co-curricular activities that happen outside of normal school hours. These include Friday morning netball, Wednesday morning basketball, Tuesday morning boys fitness, Junior and Senior School Orchestra and Senior School Choir.

Our staff have been working very hard to prepare for remote learning should we be instructed to close. We are aware that students and their families have a lot of questions about this, and are endeavouring to provide as much information as we can. This information will cover technology, learning and wellbeing. As we confirm information it will be added to our website along with our daily updates.

Some families have elected to self-isolate. If this is the case, could you please let us know at office@nac.nsw.edu.au. While remote learning will not be available unless the school closes, our teachers can, as they are able, make learning resources available.

We appreciate the support of our families as we work together to care for each other.  If you have any questions, please contact the office on 02 4421 7711.

Kind Regards

Mrs Lorrae Sampson
Mrs Lorrae Sampson

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