12 FEB

Bushfires: Support for Families

Family Wellbeing, Parents & Carers, Volunteers, Alumni, College News

Our thoughts and prayers are with all families impacted by the devastating bushfires across Australia, particularly within the Shoalhaven.

Much of the school community will have been impacted either directly or indirectly. Trauma, grief and loss reactions are common in the aftermath of a natural disaster and we are committed to supporting the wellbeing of students experiencing difficulties.

Support at school

  • All teachers are resourced and informed about how to safely incorporate education and classroom discussion about the impact of bushfires and recovery to support children with accurate information which is sensitively delivered to assist them to process their own experiences.
  • Staff are supported to understand how to identify students who may be at risk or experiencing distress.
  • Students identified as experiencing distress will be referred to the School Psychologist for support where parents consent to this.  Our school psychologists are highly experienced in supporting children with recovery from trauma, and can provide assessment and brief intervention.  Where relevant, the need for further supports and referrals will also be identified.  
  • Parents with concerns about their children can refer to the School Psychologists via Student Services, and children and young people are also able to self-refer through Student Services.
  • The School Psychologists may arrange therapeutic and psychoeducational groups to assist students to understand and process their experiences where this is required.

A proactive response

One impact of trauma is a sense of helplessness. 

Having an opportunity to do something to assist others is often very helpful, and can be associated with a positive refocusing on the future and enhanced wellbeing. Participating in fundraising provides an opportunity for students to achieve a sense of satisfaction that they are also  actively contributing and assisting others.

The College will arrange and support students to engage in fundraising activities that support those impacted by bushfires. A broader focus will be considered to provide opportunities for children to participate in activities which contribute to recovery of our local fauna, environment and economy.  

Additional family support

There is also a wealth of support for families that can be found below:

If you are concerned for the wellbeing of your child, or family, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the school by emailing the office, [email protected].

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