04 MAR

Leadership: More than a Name or Badge

Student Leadership, Student Wellbeing, Junior School, Senior School, Collegians

We are thrilled to have inducted students who are in formal leadership roles at the College. I extend my congratulations to these students and offer my prayers for your service over the next year.

Our vision statement says that we are: "To be a community of learners living and serving in Christ’s world." Every student in our College has tremendous skills, abilities, drive and passion. Every student can make a difference in the world now. I want every student to always believe that they have a voice in this world. 

I would like to show you three young people who have made a difference in our changing world.

  1. The first is 15 year old Greta Thunberg from Sweden. Greta passionately and articulately challenged world leaders at the UN climate conference last year about their inactivity in dealing with climate change. She said, “You say you love your children above all else and yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes.” Her words were powerful and challenged the world leaders to change. I believe the voice of young people is changing the way we view serious issues in our world.
  2. The second is a 10 year old girl called Molly. Molly was seen on the War on Waste TV show last year and highlighted the issue of plastic straws. The driving influence in her campaign was to save turtles. Her message is powerful – every plastic straw you use will outlive you and every plastic straw that has been used is still there. Molly didn’t just talk about the problem she acted. Her actions are powerful. She picked up lots of rubbish and showed us the scale of the problem by the amount of straws that she collected.
  3. The third is less well known, Katie Stagliano – Farmer for the homeless. At nine years old Katie was given a school project to grow a cabbage from a seed. Katie managed to grow a whopping 18 kilo cabbage. Instead of eating it herself, she took it to a local soup kitchen for the homeless, where it went on to feed over 275 people. Moved by how many people were helped with just one vegetable, Katie determined to grow more. With this in mind she set up a number of vegetable gardens to grow whole crops of food to donate to others.

Each of these young people used their voice and actions to make a difference in the world. Students, teachers and wider community, never ever think that you can’t make a difference. Find your passion and make a difference.

At NAC we have changed our student leadership program. Our Collegian Prefect team is larger this year. If a student puts up their hand and wants to serve our school community then we will place them into the Prefect team. In doing this we make a commitment to them, to help each young leader here today to develop the skills, confidence and abilities to become better leaders.

I would like to look at one more example of a leader.

In the Bible Jesus said: “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must serve all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”Mark 10: 42-45

Each young person being inducted has put up their hand to be a leader. You are a leader for others. We become better leaders as we serve each other. As a leader, you need to think of the needs of all people, and do your best to help them. This is not always easy but with God’s help, you can make a big difference.

As you serve your school community, I hope that you will genuinely care about others and follow the example of Jesus in the way that you lead. So congratulations once again to our new leadership team. May you have a wonderful year of growth as you develop as a leader at NAC.

Mrs Lorrae Sampson
Mrs Lorrae Sampson

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