College News, Family Wellbeing, Student Wellbeing, Parents & Carers
This post explains our plans for a face-to-face school return in Term 2, in line with the recommendations from the Premier of NSW and the NSW Department of Education. We encourage parents to take note of the different phases. At this stage, we have a plan for the implementation of Phase 0 and Phase 1. Further details about the implementation of the later Phases will be outlined once the success of Phases 0 and 1 are assessed.
I want to reassure you that we are operating under the same principles outlined by the NSW
Department of Education which highlights:
We appreciate that this is a time of uncertainty and will keep you updated with information as soon as it comes to hand. The following information outlines the approach Nowra Anglican College will be taking to implement Phases 0 and 1 of the face-to-face Return to School Plan and how this relates to our students.
Families are encouraged to keep their children in Kindergarten through to Year 11 at home, wherever possible, in the first 2 weeks of Term. However, the College remains open for children of essential workers.
We are asking parents who are essential workers to provide us with the dates that their children will be attending the College campus in the first two weeks. This will help us to plan for the correct level of supervision required and will also help with our return to face-to-face learning plan. Please email this information to by COB Thursday 23 April. Include the name of the student/s and the dates they will be on-site at the College.
Week 1: Students involved in practical subjects that include Major Works including Visual Arts, Design and Technology, Music, Drama and Entertainment Industry are invited on-site during Week 1 of Term. Teachers will contact the students in these subjects to arrange the details of their lessons.
Week 2: All Year 12 students are invited to attend the College Campus full time from Week 2 to participate in all subjects. Please note, students who are unable to attend the campus due to compromised health conditions will be able to access their learning through the online platform with no disadvantage to their learning.
Week 2: Students involved in practical subjects such as Entertainment Industry are invited to attend the College Campus. Teachers will contact the students in the appropriate subjects to arrange the details of their lessons.
Weeks 3 and 4: Students in Year 12 will be learning on the College Campus, following their normal timetables.
Weeks 3 and 4: Students in Years K – 11 will return to College on 1 day per week in House groups so that families will all attend together and students can be appropriately spread out to maintain physical distancing requirements. The table below outlines which day students will return to school during Phase 1.
Remote learning will continue as per your child’s timetable, either at home or while on-site. You are encouraged to keep your child at home for the rest of the week wherever possible.
Monday (11, 18 May) | Best |
Tuesday (12, 19 May) | Hargrave |
Wednesday (13, 20 May) | Remote learning at home |
Thursday (14, 21 May) | Procter |
Friday (15, 22 May) | Trickett |
As we plan for this period of adjusted face-to-face learning we will be balancing the wellbeing and continuity of education for our students, as well as the needs of individual teachers. We will ensure that any student or staff member who is at an increased risk if they contract COVID-19 is supported to learn or work from home. We may have teachers working across each stage facilitating learning and supporting students. Please be assured that all our staff will care for each student.
Students who are unwell in any way must not come onto the College campus. The College may check student’s temperatures during Phases 0 and 1. If your child is unwell, we will isolate them and ask you to take them home as soon as possible.
We request that parents limit their time on the College Campus and ask that where possible, students are dropped off and picked up via the Kiss and Drop turning circle. Parents are discouraged from entering school grounds on foot and are asked not to gather or have lengthy conversations.
Our commercial bus services (Nowra Coaches, Shoalbus, Stuart’s and Kennedy’s) will be running as normal; for specific information regarding hygiene and social distancing, please contact your school transport service provider. The NAC Bus service will re-commence in Week 3 of Term to cater for students returning to face-to-face learning.
Just a reminder that Nowra Coaches, Shoalbus, Stuart’s and Kennedy’s will be providing our school community with the opportunity to use the regular school bus services as a means of delivering documentation between our College and students/carers. A transport box marked Nowra Anglican College will be inside each school bus, to transfer documentation and other related schoolwork between the College and our students/carers. The system will operate as follows:
The Canteen will remain closed for the first 2 weeks of Term 2, but will re-open in Week 3 with a limited menu. We will not be accepting cash, all payments will need to be made through the Flexi Schools App.
As per the NSW Department of Education’s mandate, there will be no off-campus sport or excursions until social distancing measures are relaxed by the NSW Premier. We will return to these activities during Phase 4 of the NSW Department of Education’s Return to School Management Plan.
Students are to wear their winter uniforms when attending the College in Term 2. If you require uniforms, the Midford Uniform Shop has two options available at this time:
Kind Regards