College News, Family Wellbeing, Parents & Carers, Student Wellbeing
To continue with the safe practices of social distancing and additional hygiene measures that we have been employing at Nowra Anglican College during COVID-19, the following additional social distancing and hygiene practices will be applied as we return to face-to-face teaching.
This information is based on the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) to reduce the potential risk of COVID-19 transmission in schools.
We will continue to promote social distancing on the premises by:
a. Placing educational posters around the school, in classrooms and on the outside of each building
b. Placing line markings on the ground outside the office, student reception, and canteen indicating where to stand to avoid close-proximity queuing and encourage increased space between adults and students
c. Keeping the climbing play equipment closed in Apex Park
d. Allocating classrooms for classes and workspaces for Junior School and Senior School staff that allow physical distancing. Operable walls will be opened where appropriate
e. Encouraging children to bring a drink bottle to school so bubblers are not used for direct drinking
f. Only allowing students and staff to refill personal drink bottles at the water fill stations
g. Teaching the appropriate hygiene and social distancing requirements to all students through modelling and regular explicit instruction (particularly in the Junior School)
h. Allocating student year groups to certain areas of the playground to reduce mixing between the year groups and therefore minimising cross-infection
i. Staggering arrival times. Students may arrive on-site between 8.05am and 8.45am. Parents must not stay on-site and chat to other parents. Parents may walk their child to class but must observe social distancing rules with others. Parents should use the Kiss and Drop area as much as possible, remaining in their car at all times.
j. Suspending face-to-face interviews until further notice. If a parent requests an interview about their child’s progress, this will take place via phone call or Zoom.
k. Encouraging students to maintain 1.5m distance when entering or leaving a classroom. Teachers are to allow entry to and dismiss small numbers of students at a time, for example, 5 students at a time
l. Minimising movement of students around the classroom in order to maintain the 1.5m social distance
m. Keeping all school excursions, assemblies, off site sporting activities and other large gatherings suspended for Term 2
n. Implementing outdoor lessons, where possible, or in environments with enhanced ventilation
o. Arranging classroom furniture to leave extra space between students, where possible
p. Suspending group work if the activity cannot be modified to avoid close physical proximity (1.5 m)
q. Monitoring students during non-class times to ensure they are maintaining 1.5 m physical distance
r. Lockers will not be available in Term 2
s. Avoiding teachers and support staff gathering in staff rooms and maintaining 1.5m physical distance with other adults on the campus
t. Encouraging staff to make tea and coffee and then move out of the staff area, preferably drinking and eating outside
u. Year 12 Common Room will be closed until further notice
We will continue to promote healthy hygiene practises on the premises by:
a. Cleaning throughout the day. School cleaners have been diverted to clean throughout the day with a focus on cleaning high touch areas
b. Alcohol hand sanitisers will be readily available throughout the school for students and staff.
c. Cleaning with an alcohol solution at the end of each day on desk surfaces, door handles, taps, wash troughs, toilets, urinals, and bubblers
d. Monitoring student and staff temperatures from Week 3. Temperatures will be taken on entry to the College. Those with high temperatures will be asked to go home.
e. Keeping all doors open during the day, except to bathrooms
f. Opening windows in rooms where possible
g. Allowing student work to be submitted electronically where feasible
h. Encouraging non-contact greetings
i. Prohibiting sharing of drink bottles, crockery or cutlery
j. Encouraging staff to bring their own coffee mug to and from school each day
Physical education will continue, but will take place outdoors or under covered areas where physical distancing can be maintained. Students who have PE may wear their PE uniform to school to avoid getting changed. Change rooms will be closed.
We thank you for your continued efforts to maintain a safe College environment for our whole community.
Kind Regards