18 DEC

Reg Mombassa, of iconic brand Mambo, was invited to produce an artwork recognising the achievements of the 2020 HSC cohort. I think that his image of a koala superhero titled Onwards and Upwards is a great tribute to all HSC students. I share his hope that our students will harness the strengths they uncovered this year and carry them into the future”.

View article in Sydney Morning Herald

In my 34 years of teaching I have never experienced a year such as this, and am immensely proud of every single student in our 2020 cohort. The Association of Independent Schools NSW Chief Executive Geoff Newcombe acknowledged the additional struggles for our students “2020 threw everything it could at these amazing young people - drought and bushfires at the start of the year, followed by all the COVID-related disruption to their schooling and daily lives”. On top of all this, our students had floods earlier in the year that caused disruption.

We proudly acknowledge our Year 12 students below:

Lucinda Adamson Andrew Fitzgerald-Greening James Nield
Alexander Baccarini Max Godfrey Abbey Patrick
Austin Baker Bridie Harris Neave Rayner
Elisha Ball William Haywood Levi Robinson
Max Bricker Hannah Johns Chloe Roots
Alex Brunswick Flynn Johnson Jack Sim
Jordan Brunswick Harry Kielly Savanah Smith
Max Buckham Brody King Nathan Snelling
Max Bussenschutt Ebony Kingsley Hannah Stone
Niamh Carter Yanwillem Lawrence Riley Timbs
Summer Crealy Phillipa Leslie Matthew Trewin
Ashlee Cummins James Linley Jack Ward
Alyssa Dilley Lily Markham Benjamin Weir
James Drayton Grace Middleton Kathleen Whitehead
Madeline Dunn Harley Moore Darcy Woods
Millicent Ellem Lily Morris Ebony Zillesen
Angus Ewers Stephanie Moyle  

Our approach to provide rich educational experiences across all areas of learning has been important in a year like the one we have just experienced. At Nowra Anglican College achievement in the classroom is impacted by the wide learning experiences promoted in our school. Participation in sport, the creative and performing arts, Christian service and outdoor educational experiences is encouraged throughout each students’ schooling. This approach develops the important learning attributes essential for leading a successful life.

Our Building Learning Power approach emphasises the importance of working collaboratively, developing resilience and being able to manage the unexpected moments thrown at each of us as we journey through life. Our Year 12 students have worked hard to achieve these results and we commend them for their perseverance and positive outlook.

In keeping with our tradition of a strong culture of achievement, a wide number of students have received accolades for their major works in English Extension 2, Music, Visual Arts and Mathematics achieving outstanding Band 6 results.

Congratulations to Flynn Johnson who has achieved in the top band in all of his English subjects, Legal Studies and Modern History. In particular his result of 48/50 in Extension 2 English was well-deserved. Flynn achieved the highest ATAR in the College of 98.15. 

Congratulations to Lily Morris, Darcy Woods and Angus Ewers have also achieved exceptional results and have excelled, with many of their peers, across all subject areas achieving a combination of Band 6 results in PDHPE, Mathematics Advanced, Extension 1 and 2 Mathematics, Extension English, Physics, Drama and Modern History. 

Congratulations to Ben Weir who was nominated for Onstage for his exceptional monologue performance. Harry Kielly achieved highly in Music 1 and is a drummer to look out for in the future. In keeping with our excellent culture of achievement in the arts, Summer Crealy’s artwork was selected for ArtExpress.

The results in Mathematics continue to be strong with many students achieving highly. Special mention should be made of four Year 11 students, Clare Thomas, Kate Sloane, Jack Sweet and Troy Sweet, for their exceptional results in Mathematics Advanced and Extension 2 Mathematics. Our students have told us many wonderful stories of their results and plans for the future. Many students have been offered early entry to University courses across the state and we look forward to hearing about their future exploits.

Staff are incredibly proud of the achievements of all of our students who have demonstrated exceptional commitment, resilience and perseverance in their studies. We are confident that they will do well as they head into the next stage of their lives.

Mrs Lorrae Sampson
Mrs Lorrae Sampson

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