

03 MAY
Science News

Science News

The HSC Science Extension course is offered in year 12 and is designed to challenge students and develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Have a read of Elizabeth's exciting Science Extension journey and her partnership with the University of NSW.

24 MAR
Welcome Mrs Watt

Welcome Mrs Watt

We are delighted to introduce our new Head of Junior school, Mrs Rachel Watt, who comes to us with an impressive background in education and leadership.

13 MAR
Celebrating Women of the Shoalhaven Awards 2023

Celebrating Women of the Shoalhaven Awards 2023

We are very pleased to announce that Mrs Bernice Mathie-Morris won the Education category for her exceptional contribution to children in the early years.

27 FEB
Introducing 'Flossy'

Introducing 'Flossy'

We would like to introduce 'Flossy' the Wellbeing dog. From a wellbeing and learning perspective, dogs bring a great deal of benefit to school communities.

21 FEB
Education for Life

Education for Life

It is with mixed emotions that I write my farewell to the Nowra Anglican College community. In my 12 years of service at the College, I have learnt so much and have personally grown in my faith, in my professional life as an educator and a leader, and in who I am as a person.

23 DEC
2022 HSC Results

2022 HSC Results

Why did we go so well in the HSC in 2022? Whilst the HSC league tables have many downfalls and I don’t rely on them to work out if you have had a successful year, they do provide one measure of valuable information.

04 MAY
Does my child have a technology addiction?

Does my child have a technology addiction?

There are lots of advantages with phones, but when considering their prevalence - what is really happening for our children?

27 JAN
2021 HSC Success

2021 HSC Success

I am incredibly proud of the achievements of our Nowra Anglican College students and we look forward to hearing of their exploits as they enter university studies or into the workforce.

18 JUL
Preparing for

Preparing for "Big School"

Starting "big school" is a major transition in a person's life. So, how can you prepare your child for their first day at Kindergarten?

08 JUL
Preparing for Senior School

Preparing for Senior School

Moving to Senior School is one of the most significant times in the growth of our young people.

10 MAY
An Update for Library lovers

An Update for Library lovers

I am thrilled to be the caretaker of this collaborative learning space where students can also visit our Digital Library 24/7.

22 JAN
Getting Ready for

Getting Ready for "Big School"

Starting Kindergarten is one of the major transitions an individual will make throughout their lives. The new school envi…

18 DEC
2020 HSC Results

2020 HSC Results

This year artist Reg Mombassa, of iconic brand Mambo, was invited to produce an artwork recognising the achievements of the 2020 HSC cohort.

19 NOV
REGROW Conjola: Service Project

REGROW Conjola: Service Project

On Friday 13th November, the College Captains On Friday 13th November, the College Captains involved in the Stage 3 Service Program, …

17 NOV
2020 Art Express: Summer Crealy

2020 Art Express: Summer Crealy

The ‘Arts’, broadly speaking have such a beautiful capacity for insight, for growth and transformation. There is the part…

16 NOV
2020 Valedictory

2020 Valedictory

Mr Mitchell presented this insightful poem at our Year 12 Valedictory Assembly. Congratulations to the Class of 2020 who …

03 SEP
Inspiring Hope and Resilience through 2020

Inspiring Hope and Resilience through 2020

2020 has been a challenging year for so many in our community. It is true that we have been faced with bushfires, then…

17 AUG
Coronavirus: Update 7

Coronavirus: Update 7

The Department of Education have released new guidelines for school operations under COVID-19. Many of our current practi…

07 AUG
REGROW Conjola: Service Project (Stage 3)

REGROW Conjola: Service Project (Stage 3)

The service programme is for students in Years 5 and 6 and happens on a Friday afternoon. The class and Mr Thompson work …

30 JUL
Introducing NAC CATs

Introducing NAC CATs

The 2020 Junior School Leadership Team is very happy to introduce an exciting new program called NAC CATs. NAC CATs…

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