Celebrating Skills and Success: The Impact of VET Education - In a world driven by innovation and specialisation, the importance of skills and vocational education cannot be understated. This significance is aptly recognised and celebrated during National Skills Week
Step into the world of educational excellence as we delve into the inspiring journey of our History Teacher, Mr David Nicholls. Recognised for his remarkable contributions, his recent feature in 'Teaching History - Journal of the History Teachers' Association of NSW' is a testament to his passion and expertise.
Sometimes progress is made on the most confounding of challenges with the simplest of steps. We planted some seeds and let them grow.
Each day we want our students to love coming to school and the playground is an important space for learning. Through play, our young people can discover their own interests, abilities and limitations; they imagine, investigate and explore.
The Nowra Anglican College prayer is a gift given by Christian leaders within our school and community, to the students.
During the break Shoalhaven Work Place Learning hosted the Excellence in Vocational Education and Training Awards. This year, NAC students took out the Student of the Year awards for every subject delivered at the college.
The other day one of the prefects asked me what I do in my role as Principal at Nowra Anglican College. I don’t think I gave him an inspiring answer. Since then, I have been reflecting on that question.
The HSC Science Extension course is offered in year 12 and is designed to challenge students and develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Have a read of Elizabeth's exciting Science Extension journey and her partnership with the University of NSW.
We are delighted to introduce our new Head of Junior school, Mrs Rachel Watt, who comes to us with an impressive background in education and leadership.
We are very pleased to announce that Mrs Bernice Mathie-Morris won the Education category for her exceptional contribution to children in the early years.
We would like to introduce 'Flossy' the Wellbeing dog. From a wellbeing and learning perspective, dogs bring a great deal of benefit to school communities.
It is with mixed emotions that I write my farewell to the Nowra Anglican College community. In my 12 years of service at the College, I have learnt so much and have personally grown in my faith, in my professional life as an educator and a leader, and in who I am as a person.
Why did we go so well in the HSC in 2022? Whilst the HSC league tables have many downfalls and I don’t rely on them to work out if you have had a successful year, they do provide one measure of valuable information.
There are lots of advantages with phones, but when considering their prevalence - what is really happening for our children?
I am incredibly proud of the achievements of our Nowra Anglican College students and we look forward to hearing of their exploits as they enter university studies or into the workforce.
Starting "big school" is a major transition in a person's life. So, how can you prepare your child for their first day at Kindergarten?
Moving to Senior School is one of the most significant times in the growth of our young people.
I am thrilled to be the caretaker of this collaborative learning space where students can also visit our Digital Library 24/7.
Recently, each kindergarten class had the opportunity to visit Bundanon and engage in art workshops. Our learning experiences were informed by the Wilder Times museum season and connected to the ideas, themes, and material practices of the artists and artworks in this exhibition.
Starting Kindergarten is one of the major transitions an individual will make throughout their lives. The new school envi…